Monday, April 13, 2009

issues budget line

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400 lab
Issues story budget line
Shelley Smithson

I’m going to explore the issue of illegal downloading of music and movies on campus and how authorities of U of I deal with the situation if the deal with it at all. I want to know roughly how many people illegally download on campus and how many are caught and if they are caught, what happens to them. I’m going to find out how they catch people. What the actual rules are about downloading. What the consequences are and do they differ depending on circumstances. I want to know who does the monitoring and who does the disciplining. I want to find out what the worst case scenario has been so far and what the standard situation is. I need to talk to people who have been caught and been punished, people who have been caught but nothing really happened to them and people who haven’t been caught. I want to talk to the people who monitor and catch people, people who do the discipline, find out about the federal law by going to the Urbana federal court, and maybe find out about how high university authorities feel about the situation. Is it even a big deal?


  1. Good ideas, I am eager to see how this turns out.

    My roommate got caught last year at ISR, and our internet was shut off until he talked to the RD. That was all that happened. It was merely a slap on the wrist and a warning that if he was caught again before the end of the year, then he would be punished further.

    That said, you should probably talk to some RDs about the topic, and you can talk to my roommate if you'd like. I can get you his info if you're interested.

    Looks good, see you tomorrow

  2. I think this is really interesting. I have a few friends who got busted for downloading illegally last year if you need sources.

  3. I did a similar, but less in-depth, story for 200 last year, so if you need sources I may be able to help you out.

  4. none of my friends do both. They have itunes cards, but search illegally for songs that are really underground or hard to find. it's kind of a hybrid thing i guess. maybe you could add that in

  5. none of my friends do both. They have itunes cards, but search illegally for songs that are really underground or hard to find. it's kind of a hybrid thing i guess. maybe you could add that in

  6. and, when i said "none," of course i meant "some". ugh. see you tomorrow. :)

  7. Hi Alison,
    a girl I know somehow gets around it so the university can't detect it. I'm sure she'd talk to you about it! just ask me during class ill give youher name and email.

  8. Unfortunately, I do not know anyone who was caught downloading illegal music. However, I did have a professor talk about how people do not consider illegal downloading stealing because they are stealing a tangible object. Instead, people are in the mindset that this is a community item and that this practice is perfectly acceptable. Please let me know if you would like the teacher's contact information.

  9. Alison,
    Like we discussed in class you should try to get people that have been caught and stopped doing it because I think they will be very willing to talk. It might be hard to find people to interview that download illegally and haven't been caught yet but maybe if you word your questions in a way that works around making them feel uncomfortable.

  10. I can hook you up with a couple people that have been caught downloading music in the dorms and an RA.

  11. I think this is really interesting because it's an issue most students living in campus housing deal with. I don't know anyone who got caught personally, but I've heard it's standard to shut down internet until the student meets with the RD.

  12. Sounds like a great idea. I'd love to know the latest going ons with this issue. If I think of anything that may be useful, I'll let you know.

  13. Good stuff. I personally steal my music from a dude who illegaly downloads. Put in the middleman, separate myself from any trouble. I don't know anyone who's been in trouble, though.
