Monday, May 4, 2009

issues story

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400
Issues Story

The reason University of Illinois freshman Edgar Solomonik couldn’t get onto the Internet one day in early fall of 2009, was because Warner Brother’s had caught him illegally downloading the movie Watchmen on the campus network. Solomonik said he knew it wasn’t a big deal but he had to have a meeting with the Associate Dean of Students before CITES would reconnect him to the network. This is routine and Solomonik is one of hundreds that get caught each year.
The Associate Dean of Students, Brian Farber said that he gets one to two notices in his email every day about students who have been caught. Last year, at the University of Illinois about 1,200 students were caught downloading illegal files, according to Chief Privacy and Security Officer Mike Corn. Corn works for the Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services Security Office. CITES provides the campus with email, online course management systems, file storage, web publishing and telephone services. The security office handles all campus security dealing with computers. Corn’s problems range from viruses and hacked programs to insuring information privacy.
“We do not do any active monitoring,” said Corn, in regards to catching illegal downloaders.
Illegal downloading is an issue all over the world and the Motion Picture Association of America and The Recording Industry Association of America are organizations that work to protect the property rights and First Amendment rights of artists. They work to catch people who are downloading copyrighted material for free. These organizations, along with other copyright agencies, are the ones who catch students and then notify the school where the offense took place.
These notifications are first sent to the security office who forwards them to Farber at the Office of Student Conflict Resolution. Conflict Resolution responds to conflicts and crisis on campus dealing with student discipline, mediation and responding to acts of intolerance. Illegal downloading falls under student discipline.
“We talk with them about it and give them a formal sanction, usually a reprimand for the first offense. We ask them to remove all copyrighted material from their computer and have them sign off on it on an acceptance of case disposition form,” said Farber.
Once the University gets a notice about an illegal download, CITES checks network traffic logs to verify that the complaint is valid. If it is, like in the case of Solomonik, CITES removes that student from the network immediately until the student meets with the Associate Dean. Farber then contacts the copyright agency that sent the notice to tell them that they are disciplining the student and having them remove the material from their computer. According to Farber, this keeps good relations with the agencies and keeps students or the University from getting sued.
In 2007, 78 students at Northern Illinois University were caught illegally downloading copyrighted material. When NIU refused to give the names of the students to the RIAA, NIU was told that either they give them the names of the students or they would sue NIU. So NIU gave the names. All except 34 settled out of court and cost each about $3,000-$5,000, according to an article in the Northern Star, NIU’s newspaper.
“If you were caught, your Internet wouldn’t let you on and somehow they would have a message from the Information Technology Services saying that you needed to go in and see them,” said Victoria Stanton, sophomore majoring in Psychology and Education at NIU. “You had to bring in your computer and if they found you had been downloading illegally they would make you delete all your stuff and possibly pay fines.”
Stanton’s roommate was caught and she knows that she had to delete all of her illegal programs but she doesn’t know if she was fined. Now that Stanton lives in her sorority house and isn’t on the campus network she downloads illegally.
“I have Limewire. I’m pretty sure it’s illegal,” said Stanton.
“If we didn’t respond in the way that we did I could cost you $3,000 that I could take care of with a conversation,” said Farber. “The RIAA look kindly on us.”
According to Corn, the security office gets notifications of copyright infringement from copyright agencies and the University takes discipline action from there. According to Farber, the minimum disciplinary sanction for the first offense is a university reprimand which stays on the student’s university disciplinary file for one year. After one year it is wiped off the record. More serious consequences occur if a student commits more offenses.
“It doesn’t happen often that people get caught again,” said Farber. If a student is caught again, though, they could be put on censure or conduct probation. If a student receives censure the offense goes on their record until they graduate and only if the student signs a release can others view the record. If a student receives conduct probation, the offense goes on their transcript until they graduate and if the student makes one more mistake it could result in removal from the University. Solomonik got a reprimand.
Corn explained the bandwidth limitation for downloading in residence halls. It is also outlined on the University’s housing website.
Whether a student is downloading illegally or not, “In a 24 hour period, you’re only allowed to download a certain amount. When you reach that limit your internet speed slows greatly to the point where it isn’t even useful,” said Corn. The limit depends in the restricted class the download falls under. There are three classes. The unrestricted class has no limits, unrestricted class A has a limit or 2 GB and unrestricted class B has a limit of 5 GB.
Solomonik, a major in Computer Sciences, was caught downloading the movie Watchmen in the Siebel Center and was caught once in his dorm, Illinois Street Residence Halls, when he changed his MAC address. MAC stands for media access control and is used for identification.
“I reset my MAC address three times in one day and I guess they noticed,” said Solomonik, laughing.
Solomonik said that Warner Brother’s had emailed the school and CITES disabled his Internet for a couple days until he met with the Dean. He got an email notice for both offenses. Solomonik said that he thinks that the University’s policies are fair.
“They made me sign a thing that I would delete all my music and movies,” said Solomonik, laughing, “like I’d delete all my music and movies.”
Kara Kopija, a sophomore majoring in communications at the University of Illinois, has been illegally downloading music and movies for nine years. She has almost 8,000 songs and 100 movies but doesn’t see her actions as illegal or wrong.
“I really don’t see it as illegal, I see it as file sharing,” said Kopija. “File sharing is just the same as back before CDs and DVDs and digital copies. People used to make mixed tapes on cassette tapes and people would copy movies on VHS and record TV shows. It’s the same concept, copying movies then was a copyright law violation but nobody cared because it was on such a small level.”
Kopija said that she would never download a movie, copy it to a DVD and sell it because she sees that as wrong. To get around bandwidth limitations in the dorms she changed her IP address specifying that she wasn’t hiding but rather just getting around the limits. She also said that she doesn’t know anybody who has been caught for copyright violations and all of her close friends download illegally. She learned how to download illegally from Google.
“I’ve never hacked anything. I wouldn’t even know where to start. But learning how to use and find hacked programs, I Googled it,” said Kopija. “You just Google it and it explains how to do everything. That’s how I learned to use torrents,” said Kopija. Torrents are file sharing protocols that are used to distribute data between computers, according to
Despite knowing that there are consequences if caught illegally downloading, students still do it.
The Copyright Law, as stated on the RIAA’s website says “the Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, rental or digital transmission of copyrighted sound recordings. (Title 17, United States Code, sections 501 and 506). The FBI investigates allegations of criminal copyright infringement and violators will be prosecuted.” This means that making unauthorized copies of copyrighted material is stealing and breaking the law and the person could be held legally liable for thousands of dollars. The RIAA states on its website that piracy is stealing from song writers, sound engineers and label employees. On a global scale piracy costs $12.5 billion dollars of economic losses each year and there have been 71,060 U.S. jobs lost.
An analysis for the MPAA said that major U.S. motion picture studios lost $6.1 billion to piracy. Piracy of hard copies such as DVD’s cost 62% of the $6.1 billion and 38% was from Internet piracy. Most of the pirating was done outside of the U.S. being highest in China, then Russia, and Thailand. The report also said that the typical pirate age is between 16 and 24, is male and lives in an urban area.
Pirate Bay is a Swedish based website that is one of the largest BitTorrent trackers on the Internet. They were found guilty Friday April 17, 2009 of making copyrighted material available on their website and assisting in copyright infringement, according to the article on Digital Journal. They reported that the four members of the Pirate Bay team have been fined over $3.6 million, will spend one year in jail and it was ruled that it is illegal to use BitTorrent at the Pirate Bay site. People all over the world use this site and other similar sites such as Mininova and Isohunt to find torrents that allow them to download music and movies for free online. Downloading copyrighted material for free online is theft and therefore illegal.
Not only is this a federal law but it is also in the University’s Student Code so when a student is found guilty of illegally downloading content they have broken the Student Code.
The Student Code can be found on the University’s website. Section 1-302.n.6 states “abuse of computers where the university community’s interest is substantially affected, including but not limited to: the use of computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright laws.”
Student Legal Services said students can protect themselves by checking to see if the site has a restriction on use or an explicit notice of copyright before downloading. SLS also said that the RIAA and MPAA specifically target college students.
CITES’ website explains the three basic models for file sharing that students can get caught using. One model is called the system-native which is built into a person’s operating system on the computer for sharing within a local network. A second model is the most common. It is called the client-server. The content is stored in the server and sent to each user separately. A third model is the peer to peer. This is two users exchanging data directly between each other.
Farber stressed that illegal downloading is taken seriously on campus but is not a big priority. There are more urgent problems on campus which are on the forefront.
“We have honest- to- God dangerous problems, real physical emergencies. This is a white collar crime, like drinking a beer at Kam’s,” said Farber. “But we are educators. We want people to make good decisions. It is theft.”


Mike Corn

Brian Farber

Kara Kopija

Edgar Solomonik

Victoria Stanton

RIAA’s Website

MPAA’s website (statistic) revised.pd

Northern Star

Digital Journal


Student Code

For torrent and MAC address definitions

Saturday, April 25, 2009

court memo

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400
Court memo

Court is very formal. People have to be dressed nicely, be quiet, no hats, no gum and no food. When the judge walks in everyone has to stand up. He leads and nobody talks unless he speaks to them. It’s very orderly and easy to follow but the language is new. They take attendance. For a class 3 felony you get a prison sentence between 2 and 5 years, a fine up to 50,000, and a year of supervision after leaving prison. A class 3 felony is something along the lines of having enough drug with intent to deal but not too much where it’s a large distribution. If you steal a considerable about of money, over 10,000 dollars it’s a class 2 felony. The sentence for that is 3-7 years in prison, up to 25,000 dollar fine and 2 years of supervised leave. A class A misdemeanor is something like attempt theft or endangering a life and the sentence is up to one year in jail, and up to 25,00 in fines. Maybe some community service. Every day there are arraignments at 1:30 p.m. That is the person first appearance in court where they hear what could happen. The circuit clerk is the keeper of the files. If you want a case you go to them with the number. They also put the schedule up online and it’s by court room. There is a docket sheet which is just an overview of what happened. A discovery is the exchange of information between the prosecutor and the defense. The courthouse is designed so that prisoners don’t mingle with the public. One half of the building is where the holding cells are and where courthouse workers go and the other is for the public. This is because it wasn’t very safe before. To find people and cases you can look it up on the circuit courts website.

Monday, April 20, 2009

profile story

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400
Profile story

Mark Rubel arrived at Rosfest in Phoenixville, Pa. to find this annual progressive rock festival behind schedule by 3 hours. Despite his delayed flight, he hadn’t missed anything except for a long line of angry fans and workers waiting for the lighting man to show up. Star Castle, a progressive rock band from the 1970’s, were the headliners supporting the album Gary Strater, musician, worked on for ten years. Strater died of Pancreatic cancer 3 weeks after he finished recording it 2004. Rubel promised Strater he would help him finish and put out the record. A promise that by 2007, he kept. Now Rubel was front row at the concert in support of his best friend’s last album. Things did not go as smoothly as planned. The lighting man, who was bringing necessary equipment to run the show, was 3 hours late.
“The sound people were cool, the recording people were cool, the lighting people were good and the lighting guy was drunk,” said Rubel. The light show is an important part of a progressive rock concert. After trying to communicate with him, Rubel just gave up realizing that this man could not understand how he wanted the light show to be.
“They go on. The band is fine, the P.A. is fine, everything sounds great and it’s the worst lighting show in the world,” said Rubel, but they just dealt with it until the man started disrupting the performance.
“So they start to play this song, nice, calm acoustic guitars and stuff and I hear this sound from the lighting guy. He’s singing. Wait, he’s chanting. No, he’s swearing. He’s decided he’s angry at the band. So he’s yelling profanities over the music and throwing things at the band while they are playing. And I’m thinking this is the part of the show where I have to vault over the amps and wrestle this guy to the ground and end up on You Tube,” said Rubel. He didn’t have to do that because 8 cops came and arrested the lighting man on stage while the band continued to play. That put an end to the light show.
“That’s one of my favorite stories and I have a million others,” said Rubel.
Soft yellow light gently falls over antique microphones, new and old instruments, recording magazines, records, an analogue sound board, large shelves holding books, magazines and music and a large variety and quantity of sound equipment that has been collected over the years, decorating Mark Rubel’s recording studio on Taylor St. in Champaign. Pogo Studio has been around for twenty-five years. It’s couches, warmth, original equipment, comfort, and homeliness contrasts the majority of studios which are usually “frigid, air conditioned and just feel like outer space,” said Rubel. He is the chief engineer, the studio owner, the studio president, an accountant, a producer, a full time teacher at Eastern University, and a part time teacher at Parkland College. He writes articles for recording magazines, plays bass in a rock band, and is involved with many panels, committees and organizations. He has run art councils, been a booking agent, works as an expert witness for law firms and trials, is working on a new curriculum for music business and audio technology at Eastern and is on the producers committee for the Grammy’s. His free time is filled with work.
“I like to hang out with my wife on the rare occasion that I get to see her and the cats. And you know, go out and eat and occasionally see friends and family. But it’s a very hard working lifestyle and I’m really working 7 days a week, eighteen to nineteen hours a day, day in and day out, year in and year out. I don’t take vacations. I don’t have hobbies, but it’s something that happens when your passion is your living,” said Rubel.
Fifty years ago in Princeton, N.J. Rubel was born into a world of creativity. A majority of his time was spent in Champaign-Urbana, Ill. where he sticks close to his roots to this day. His father was a mathematician at the University of Illinois, his mother was a journalist from Denmark, his sister is a painter and graphic artist, his wife is an artist and animal rights worker and his half brother is a TV producer.
“I haven’t grown up but I’ve gotten older mostly in Champaign-Urbana,” said Rubel. His father went on sabbatical so they lived in France for a year when Rubel was 8. There he learned French almost fluently. They spent another year in New York, one back in New Jersey, a summer in California, a summer in Montreal, and lived briefly in Holland and Denmark. After graduating from University high school he got an English literature degree from the University of Illinois in 1979. Since he was twelve years old Rubel has been a musician, playing the bass guitar.
“I started this silly band called Captain Rat and the Blind Rivets as a joke in 1980 and we decided to keep doing it as long as it’s fun. It’s been almost thirty years and it’s still really fun,” said Rubel. “When you start a band when your twenty-two you don’t expect to be in the band long enough for the members to become grandfathers.” Captain Rat and the Blind Rivets just booked their annual gig at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. They used to play 200 gigs a year but now they play about once a week.
Being an audio engineer hadn’t even crossed his mind as a possible career until he ran across a guy who was getting a team to put his studio back together and run it. Rubel had previously been working as a manager of this local arts council but when the offer to build the studio arose, he took advantage of it. The ramshackle white house sat twenty feet from active train tracks and for one hundred dollars a month, they had a studio.
“We took the minimal equipment that we had, wired it together and called it a studio,” said Rubel. “The 6 or 8 others involved were mostly electrical engineers that had jobs. I was a liberal arts guy and didn’t. I was playing in the silly rock band so I got elected to sit behind the council and run the studio.”
Having no training in audio engineering, Rubel learned everything by doing it or from reading about it. In 1983 he left this studio to start Pogo Studios in the same place it is today. He named the studio after his dog. Since then he has worked with mostly regional and local bands but also does projects for relatively well known people and major labels. He has recorded musicians such as Alison Krauss, Adrian Blue, Rascal Flatts, Ludacris, and Fall Out Boy. He produced Hum for RCA Records, Poster Children for Warner Reprise, Menthol for Capitol Records, various projects for Sony Records, the music for the 1988 Olympics and Jay Bennett from Wilco. He did live sound for Toby Twining so he was able to travel.
“I really like being able to travel and see other places. That seems to be where a lot of the memorable times come from. All these Bahamas gigs are great. That’s my vacation actually. I think if I had time and money to do it I would never go to a fancy resort with a casino. But this way I can rationalize it, I’m being paid. I have to be there, so I’m getting better at learning to be lazy,” said Rubel.
Aside from running the studio and being an audio engineer, Rubel is a teacher at Parkland College and Eastern University. He is finishing building a new studio and creating a new curriculum for a music business and audio technology program at Eastern. Dr. Tim Schirmer, a professor and the program director for music at Parkland, became friends with and boss of Rubel when he met him at Parkland in 1987. Rubel has recorded most of the projects Schirmer has done.
“He is wonderful, pleasant, helpful, meticulous, and a patient person interested in the world at large, and he is an excellent engineer and musician,” said Schirmer. “He has a real knack for making a tense environment very relaxed and always keeps his focus on getting the best result possible. He is a very nice guy.” Rubel has been at Parkland for 22 years.
The first word that comes to Stephen Fonzo’s mind when he thinks of Rubel is “nice“. Considerate, open-minded, talented and always busy follow. Fonzo is the media training advisor for the Independent Media Center in Urbana and read about Rubel before moving to Champaign from Virginia in 2006. Fonzo was transitioning to a new town. Rubel was from Champaign, knew everyone, helps the IMC by loaning them equipment and helped Fonzo meet people.
“That’s an aspect I’ve always been interested in, community. I’m kind of defined by a series of communities. I guess one of the things I’ve done that’s unusual for people in my area is I’ve stayed in a small Midwestern town and had a whole career staying in the town I originated from,” said Rubel. According to Rubel, he tries to encourage and help the musicians, advise, lend gear, help with WFT and IMC and anybody else. He is also part of a community of engineers/producers.
Rubel attends the annual Tape Op conference where engineers and producers get together. He meets many people from different places there. Greg Norman, recording engineer and electrical technician at Electrical Studios in Chicago, is one of those people. Rubel has also recorded sessions at Electrical Studio and stops by whenever he is in Chicago.
“He always has a new story to talk about but doesn’t waste time or air on small talk. He genuinely pays attention to people and is thoughtful in what he does and how he responds to people,” said Norman.
After recording with him and seeing Rubel at major recording events, Norman learned that Rubel’s creativity and layed back personality contributes to the positive mood in a recording session but also that he doesn’t steer the session.
“He allows people to do their own thing and he gets the best out of that,” said Norman. Norman visits Rubel whenever he is in Champaign.
“It’s really important for there to be a studio like Pogo in Champaign-Urbana. He has a variety of very nice equipment and he knows how to use them. It’s a place where people can record the old way with really good microphones, amplifiers and the space designed,” said Fonzo. “It’s an inspiring place.”
Inspired by his parents, Les Paul, Steve Albini, artists, musicians and writers, Rubel became a well known producer and engineer, instead of enlisting in the Army, with few regrets. If he has time he wants to get MBA, possibly go to law school, write a couple books, and travel all while keeping the studio running.
“If I had realized I was going to be doing this I would have wanted more training, taken more music theory, studied architectural acoustics, physics of acoustics, music history, studied abroad and researched. I would have been more hands on, doing stuff earlier, and been more self promoting earlier. You have to inspire confidence in people by having confidence in yourself. I would have taken more opportunities that came along. I should have taken every gig that came along,” said Rubel. “One thing I don’t regret is that I’ve stayed here. It’s been great.”

Mark Rubel

Tim Schirmer

Greg Norman

Stephen Fonzo

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

profile exercise

The familiar grey crutches lay on the carpet next to the couch where the high school senior wrestler, Steven Neubauer, rests. He is recovering form his second hip surgery in 2 years. His buzzed blonde head stares blankly at the T.V. Sleep, T.V. and food will make up the next 6 weeks of his life. His mom brings him a try of food and without batting an eye, politely says "thanks."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400 lab
3rd beat article

Faint sounds of fast guitars, thunderous bass, thrashing drums, and a clamor of voices conversing or singing to their favorite songs seep up and out through the walls of the white house at 700 Illinois St. in Urbana. Through the weathered wooden cellar doors at the back of the house, down the creaky wooden stairs, a crowd of fans enjoy live bands in a small, intimate basement. Andrew Hajduch hosts punk shows here regularly, once every month.
The Copyrights from Carbondale, IL, who are currently signed to Red Scare Records, are returning to Hajduch’s this year to headline the upcoming show on April 24th. The Knock Down from New York, The Kobanes from the Chicago suburbs, Teenage Martians from Champaign and Kid Tim from Champaign form the rest of the lineup. The show costs $5 and doors are at 9 p.m. Fans of all ages are looking forward to another entertaining night.
“That show is going to be awesome. They did that last year too,” said Chris Li, junior at the University of Illinois. Li has attended almost every show at Hajduch’s since he began hosting shows in 2007.
Andrew Hajduch, a senior at the University of Illinois, uses his basement as a venue for local and some national punk bands. When looking for a house to rent, Hajduch said that he specifically looked for a house that had a suitable basement for his bands to practice in and to hold shows in.
“House shows are fun. I like picking the bands that play. I like to pick bands that I like, bands that I’m friends with, bands that I want to see and bands that I want to play with,” said Hajduch. According to Hajduch, the shows are for fun and to promote the bands.
“I try to keep the genre consistent. Punk shows. Mostly local, sometimes out of town,” said Hajduch.
Tim Janis, guitarist for local band Dizzy Chair Time, acoustic guitarist for his local solo project, Kid Tim, and senior at the University of Illinois, plays shows in Hajduch’s basement and likes the laid back atmosphere. He said that he likes having the chance to play with new bands and that it’s fun making new friends.
“I like Andrew’s place because there’s always something interesting going on, whether it’s that someone lost their porn or there’s a big fight,” said Janis. “There’s not a bunch of dick bags telling you when to play, what to play or where to play.”
In comparison to a larger more traditional venue, Li said that in Hajduch’s basement the sound quality is worse and there’s barely any space or ventilation but that’s the fun part. It’s a bunch of friends getting together, playing music and making inside jokes.
“It’s hilarious,” said Li, laughing. “You don’t get that at a large venue.”
According to Li, the biggest difference is that at Hajduch’s, people don’t have huge egos, it’s just friends.
“There’s a big difference between going to a Green Day concert with a bunch of 12 year old kids and their moms and going to Andrew’s and getting beer spilled all over me,” said Li.
There’s not much space to move, people scream to hear each other, it’s so cramped that the sweat on you isn’t just your own, somebody lights a cigarette as another stumbles through the crowd, beer in hand. Hajduch quit smoking and doesn’t sell liquor at these shows but he doesn’t mind what people do. He said that there are basically no rules.
Hajduch said that the shows usually last from 10 p.m. until 1 or 2 a.m. and an average of 50 or more people come in and out throughout the night. The cops haven’t been called yet this year, the neighbors and roommates don’t mind, according to Hajduch.
“It’s not like it’s going all night,” said Hajduch. “One roommate stays in his room the whole time, but they don’t complain.”
Hajduch, band members, and friends walk around town posting handmade flyers on coffee shops and venues. They also post announcements on Myspace and opening to get the word out about the next show.
By hosting these shows, Hajduch is not only able to promote bands that he likes or that he’s friends with but he’s also able to promote the four bands he is currently in. Those bands are Dizzy Chair Time, Fourth Grade Rats, Social Defiance and Teenage Martians. He said that he will continue to play in bands after college and keep music as a hobby but isn’t sure he wants to book bands for a living. Right now, Hajduch is the only person in the area who hosts these types of shows regularly.
“Andrew’s house is a big part of the Champaign-Urbana scene. Bands come to play and have fun and that’s something you need in a budding music scene,” said Janis.

Andrew Hajduch

Tim Janis

Chris Li

issues budget line

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400 lab
Issues story budget line
Shelley Smithson

I’m going to explore the issue of illegal downloading of music and movies on campus and how authorities of U of I deal with the situation if the deal with it at all. I want to know roughly how many people illegally download on campus and how many are caught and if they are caught, what happens to them. I’m going to find out how they catch people. What the actual rules are about downloading. What the consequences are and do they differ depending on circumstances. I want to know who does the monitoring and who does the disciplining. I want to find out what the worst case scenario has been so far and what the standard situation is. I need to talk to people who have been caught and been punished, people who have been caught but nothing really happened to them and people who haven’t been caught. I want to talk to the people who monitor and catch people, people who do the discipline, find out about the federal law by going to the Urbana federal court, and maybe find out about how high university authorities feel about the situation. Is it even a big deal?

Monday, March 16, 2009

thoughts about portraits of grief

In Portraits of Greif, the obituaries were basically written in the same style. They were short, to the point and aimed to sum up a persons life in about 200 words. What set each apart was what the author chose as their main focus about the person, the quotes and how they chose to use their words. My two favorite portraits out of the first 20 “N” were “Mildred Naiman: Thumbed Her Nose at Age” and “Peter A. Nelson: A Marriage Proposal.” In each of these stories the writer chose his words in a way that I really felt for the person and his family or I admired how the person lived their life.
In “Mildred Naiman: Thumbed Her Nose at Age” The writer chose to write about how Mildred loved to travel and get out and do things despite her age. I see a little of myself in that. It makes me think about how even though she died in an awful way before her time she still lived to be 81 and was still having the time of her life doing what she loved. It makes me look up to her. If I make it that far I too want to still be as energetic and enthusiastic as her. She didn’t die necessarily in a bad state of mind which is what makes this story lighter and a little easier to handle.
“Peter A. Nelson: A Marriage Proposal” made me think about how you have to take advantage of situations as they come because you never know what’s going to happen later. The way the story was ironic left me in a state of disbelief and grief. The very way he was saved the first time was how he ended up dying. It makes you wonder. The quotes used show how he would have been a loving father and the ending line leaves you speechless. Leaves you heartbroken that that he never lived to meet his daughter and how the first time she saw her father was at his funeral. The words choice really strikes a nerve.
What really makes the story are good quotes and words choice and arrangement. And if that isn’t great then a person with a really interesting story would catch my eye. Each person has a different story but it’s the writer that really captures their essence.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400
Article 2 imc fest

IMC Fest is back this year, bringing together an eclectic mix of local music, visual and performing arts, belly dancers and political social speakers to perform during a three day festival on April 17-19. This year the Independent Media Center and Boneyard Arts are working in conjunction to promote both events.
A widely diverse range of music will be featured. Thirty bands are scheduled to play including Kilborn Alley, Elsinore, Headlights and Jigsaw. The bands’ musical styles range from folk, rock, indie, punk, blues, hip-hop, jazz and electronica. Twenty-Eight of those bands are local to the Champaign area.
Besides music, Boneyard Arts will have it’s art show on display noon to two a.m. beginning Thursday April 16.
“Traditionally the IMC is always part of Boneyard as a venue for artists but this year we are both that and evening entertainment spotlight as well,” said Dan Blah, an active IMC volunteer and the main organizer of this event..
The speakers include local activists and people who are part of the IMC who will talk about the history of this local IMC, the Indy media movement and their own movements and organizations.
“I want it to be a spectacle. A kind of controlled chaotic circus. It’s going to be crazy,” said Blah.
IMC Fest is a music and arts festival coordinated by groups of volunteers and IMC staff. The shows group, finance group, production group, WRFU 104.5, and the tech group make up the IMC organization. This year, IMC Fest encompasses the whole organization and Boneyard Arts, unlike previous years when just the shows group put the event together. IMC Fest and Boneyard Arts focuses on local talent.
“This is a way to get people and bands exposed to the IMC,” said Blah. Blah hopes to see 600 people over the entire weekend.
Planning for IMC Fest starts months in advance. Prospective headlining bands and bands who previously played are contacted first, then others follow. About 50 bands were contacted this year and because of such a large positive response, 20 had to be let go.
“You lose three months of your life every year,” said Blah. This fest also digs into the pockets of organizers.
According to Blah, all the funding is donated from the organizers and sponsors. Nobody gets paid, all the money goes to the IMC to pay for programs.
Local band Common Loon is playing for their second time at IMC Fest after playing in 2007, the year their band formed. They are looking forward to hearing the local bands they will be playing with.
“There are tons of good musicians in town and you don’t always get to hear all of them,” said Matt Campbell, the drummer, keyboardist and vocalist of Common Loon. “It’s a very eclectic mix of music. It’s cool to hear something new,” said Campbell.
Common Loon, a kind of dreamy psychedelic pop band, as described by the guitarist and vocalist Robert Hirschfelb, see IMC Fest not only as an opportunity to hear new music but also an opportunity for new people to hear them. IMC fest grew significantly since the last one two years ago.
“I’m pretty excited about this year. There’s a lot more collaboration and new shows members. It’s not just me,” said Blah.
The first IMC Fest was held in 2003 at the Canopy Club. It was a building campaign to raise money to buy a building specifically for the Independent Media Center. When the original organizer, Zack Miller, left after he got a job in Australia, the IMC Fest took a hiatus resulting from lack of motivation and time by other members. Another IMC Fest in 2007 raised money for a better radio tower for WRFU 104.5 that covered a larger area.
To avoid interfering with Pygmalion and other fall festivals, IMC fest skipped fall 2008 and prepared for spring 2009. According to Blah, IMC fest will now be annual.
The IMC is a non-profit, grassroots organization that uses media production and distribution to promote social and economic justice in the Champaign-Urbana area, according to their website.
“The goal is to bring the media to the people, allowing people to get their voices out. It’s a community center with social goals for social progress,” said Blah.
Blah is looking forward to seeing the public’s reaction and to seeing the impression everyone’s hard work makes on the audience.
“It’s not just about seeing the bands. It’s also about the art, the culture, the influence, talking to people, and the sense of ownership. It’s exciting to see that happen,” said Blah.


Dan Blah

Matt Campbell

Robert Hirschfelb

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

city council meeting article

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400
City council meeting

Champaign residents are concerned about long term exposure to toxic chemicals in their ground water from Ameren’s toxic site near the Fifth and Hill neighborhood. Ameren recently released information of testing reports that show large parts of the property that pose a threat to people due to vaporization of toxic chemicals from contaminated ground water.
Claudia Lennhoff from the Champaign County Health Care Consumers, addressed the city council at the meeting Tuesday regarding the 2007 Ground Water Restriction Ordinance. The ordinance only deals with ingestion of water but does not mention contact with or inhalation of water.
“Vaporization means that you have the risk of inhaling. This has been a long-standing concern of the residents and their concern has been about long term exposure to vaporization and inhalation,” said Lennhoff.
Long term exposure to this contaminated water can lead to Neurological problems, cancers, asthmas, reproductive health problems and many others.
The test results show that the levels of toxic chemicals exceed the safety standards for residential property. Lennhoff said that there is residential property 50 ft. away from the toxic site and they haven‘t tested levels outside their boundaries..
“There is no reason to think that vaporization stops at the boundaries of this fenced in area,” said Lennhoff. “Other new information is that the ground water is far more contaminated than we have ever been told or led to believe.”
There are 20 different toxins identified in the water. Benzene, a highly toxic chemical, is one of them. Lennhoff explained that the safety standards for Benzene are not to exceed five parts per billion but Ameren’s test results from that well show 1000 parts per billion.
According to Lennhoff, in Ameren’s report they do not plan to clean up the contaminated ground water and they don’t have to because of the ordinance the City of Champaign passed in the summer of 2007.
“It’s important to understand that the only thing this ordinance accomplishes for the people of the city of Champaign is that it prohibits them from drinking contaminated water which they have not been doing,” said Lennhoff.
In this neglected neighborhood, the contaminated water floods resident’s basements and property, and flows into Boneyard Creek effecting residents.
“There are many gardens in the neighborhood where people grow vegetables, sell and get vegetables which has been going on for years,” said Lennhoff. She also said that there are children’s daycare centers surrounding the contaminated property.
According to Lennhoff, the ordinance allows Ameren to not clean up the contaminated ground water. Ameren’s report said that they are using an “institutional control to remediate the toxic ground water.” Lennhoff said that the institutional control is the city ordinance.
“What this amounts to is an administrative sleight of hand that allows Ameren to have the appearance of addressing contaminated ground water,” said Lennhoff, “the use of this ordinance is what’s allowing Ameren off the hook for cleaning up the ground water.”
According to Lennhoff, the real intent of this ordinance was to protect Ameren from incurring the costs associated with doing a thorough cleanup which would be very costly.
“ It doesn’t necessarily result in truly protecting and promoting the health of the residents of the neighborhood and the city,” said Lennhoff.
The city of Champaign worked with the Illinois EPA to pass this ordinance. Lennhoff said that there are concerns about the Illinois EPA being close with Ameren and helping them.
“The best case would be if the EPA would be a watchdog, not a lapdog for Ameren,” said Lennhoff.
Ameren and the Illinois EPA only focus on there being no immediate effects to people but they don’t mention the long term effects.
“I would hope that the City of Champaign will re-examine this issue and see if there’s a way to work with the Illinois EPA and Ameren and basically demand that Ameren do clean up the contaminated ground water.” said Lennhoff.


Claudia Lennhoff

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

state of the union assignment

Wild applause, warm smiles and friendly handshakes welcomed President Obama as he arrived to present his motivated agenda in his State of the Union Address to Congress at 8p.m. Tuesday.
“Hey, how are you. Good to see you,” said Obama, smiling and waving to his congressman on his way to the podium.
Once Obama reached the microphone silence ensued. He outlined his ambitious plans to not pass on debt to our children, to expand the promise of education to all children, to end the war responsibly and to end tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.
Obama vows that “we will recover” from the failing economy and explains his primary measures to begin this mending.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Irish Session article

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400
First beat article
In the corner of a dimly lit, single room neighborhood bar, a circle of 10 empty chairs await the arrival of their weekly occupants, traditional Irish instrumentalists. These Champaign residents gather each Wednesday at 7 PM In Bentley’s Pub to participate in traditional Irish music sessions.
“It’s a group of local people who all have an interest in in Irish music and get together to play tunes,” said Dean Karres, who plays the Bodhrán, a type of drum. Karres explained that a tune is just a melody, whereas songs have words. 95% of the time they play tunes.
Irish sessions take place in many cities all over the world. Champaign is just one part of a network that connects people from across the map. Karres began playing in sessions in Colorado but has participated in sessions spanning from Kansas, Ireland, Missouri, North Carolina, West Virginia, France, Switzerland and now to Champaign, IL. People can play in sessions anywhere.
“Every opportunity is wonderful. It’s totally for fun,” said Karres. “A session is a social event. Depending on the environment, it could be for the musicians or the audience could get more involved.”
Musicians continue to arrive and join in throughout the night, participating in the songs they know. Not everybody played the entire time but variations of the same people play each week.
“It’s an open thing, any musicians are welcome. You come if you can come,” said Stacey Rose, the owner and a bartender of Bentley’s. She said that anywhere between 4 to 10 musicians come every week. Karres said that they play banjos, fiddles, concertinas, accordions, tin whistles, and sometimes guitars.
“Public sessions, like this one, demand that you know a few tunes and be competent on a couple. You at least have to know how to play an instrument,” said Karres.
Jake Schumacher, with his eyes shut and a closed smile, grooved to the tunes as he played his accordion and sometimes switched to his keyboard. Schumacher is the program director for WILL fm 90.9 and also leads these sessions. He first encountered sessions when he was in Scotland.
“It’s my creative outlet, my chance to influence other people in town that play,” said Schumacher.
Traditional Irish music is not written down. It’s passed from people to people. People learn by ear. Sessions are one of these ways people learn the tunes.
“It’s a general corpus of traditional tunes that has been developed over the last 300 years,” said Schumacher.
Jordan Kaye sat at a table outside of the circle, smiling and tapping his foot to the beat while strumming a mandolin.
“I‘m just a fan. I play more bluegrass and jazz but I do know a few tunes,” said Kaye. Kaye teaches a guitar class at Parkland college. This is his second time at this session but said that he wants to start coming more regularly. He explained the different rhythms of the tunes. A hornpipe is like a sailors dance, the Air is a slow ballad and the Jig has a distinctive rhythm.
Kaye said that they play a mix of these rhythms. People don’t like to hear the same stuff. They play in sets of two or three songs switching right from one to another. It’s a nice transition.
“One famous song is ‘Irish Washerwoman.’ But never request that here. It’s way overplayed,” Kaye laughed, “It’s like the ‘Free Bird’ of Irish music.”
These sessions usually attract the same crowd of people each week , according to Rose, but they do bring in new people.
Bentley’s is a 21 and over bar located in Champaign. They opened in 2003. Bentley’s has been hosting sessions for about 5 years now and picked up the idea from another bar called Mike and Molly’s.
“I enjoy the music,” said Rose, “it’s a good way to bring in a different group of customers. The crowd is a little older and very laid back.”
The musicians do not play for money. Rose said that only the session leader gets paid and it’s 30 dollars.
“It’s really about having fun and companionship,” said Schumacher. He said that people enjoy it at bars.
When Kaye began singing a song, everyone who knew the words joined in, smiling, laughing, clapping their hands, playing instruments and singing loudly together.
Schumacher said that he plays in these sessions because it is fun and that‘s why people participate. There‘s an expression people say, “the craic, it’s the Irish word for fun. You do it for the craic.”

Source List

1. Dean Karres

2. Jake Schumacher

3. Jordan Kaye

4. Stacey Rose

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Interview about polyphasic sleeping

Alison Neubauer
Jrn 400 lab

Sometimes it seems there just isn’t enough time during the day to get everything done. From getting school work done, to having a job, and having time for recreation, it can be hard to fit everything in. Architecture sophomore Alex Chin recognized this problem and is attempting a solution that he read about on the internet. This solution is a polyphasic sleep cycle in which a person takes multiple short naps throughout the day. His cycle specifically lets his body require only 3 hours of sleep per 24 hour period, maximizing his awake hours. I met with him to discuss how the cycle works, it’s effects and benefits.

Q: So, what exactly is the polyphasic sleep cycle?
A: The polyphasic sleep cycle is basically a way to make more time of your day when you’d rather be sleeping. You take 20 to 30 minute naps every 4 hours. Polyphasic means multiple naps per day. I’m specifically on the Uber Man which calls for 6 naps per day.”

Q: Uber man?
A: The Uber man. It’s exactly what it sounds like. But there are a variety of polyphasic schedules and I’m on the 6 nap schedule.

Q: What other kinds of schedules are there?
A: There’s the Dymaxiom which calls for 4 naps per day. A half hour each so essentially 2 hours a day for sleeping. There’s the Every Man. It bases its central theory off a core nap which is around 3 and a half hours and 2 to 3 other naps throughout the day which are 20 minutes each.

Q: How did you hear about these sleep cycles and what made you choose the Uber Man?
A: I first learned about it in high school and it was very ideal but your in high school and you cant take a 20 to 30 minute naps during an 8 hour day so it was not until I came across it again on the internet in college that I decided tonight’s the night I’m going to start doing it, and I did it.

Q: Who came up with the sleep cycles? You say you found it on the internet but who?
A: There are rumors that Leonardo da Vinci was on the polyphasic cycle and that’s how he created all his inventions, Thomas Edison, Ben Franklin. There’s no evidence but the fact there are such rumors shows that maybe it was true.

Q: So why did you decide to go on the sleep cycle?
A: Mainly because of my major. My major is very labor intensive. It’s architecture. Sophomore year is my year right now and it’s the worst year of undergraduate school. So I’ve decided to take advantage, over break, to train myself and by school id be on the polyphonic, in which I am right now

Q: So you started over winter break? And been doing this since then?
A: Yeah pretty much. You get your slip ups, every once and a while you over sleep a little. Otherwise its going great. I have more energy than I had on the monophasic sleep cycle which is the regular, one sleep a day, and it’s wonderful. It’s even helped me out with late assignments in which I did not know I had. I met a friend the other day and he was like ‘you have a quiz tomorrow.’ Had I been on the monophonic cycle it would have been quite a repercussion, but since I’m on the polyphasic I studied all night and aced the test.

Q: That’s pretty good. What’s the transition from the regular sleep cycle to the polyphonic cycle like?
A: I happened to be able to stay up a lot. My schedule called for me to stay up so the training wasn’t too hard. There’s 2 days around day 7 to 10 when the adaptation period is hardest. That’s when my cycle from 4am to 8 am literally killed me. I was probably, for lack of better words, the most f***** up I’ve ever been and I was sober.

Q: So do you feel normal? What does your body and mind feel like?
A: My body is fine. I work out on a regular basis and once your adapted you can do everything you can on a regular sleep schedule and as far as mentally I’m sharper than before because on a monophasic sleep cycle you can always be sharp in the beginning of the day but as the day drags on your mind will be less alert. In polyphasic napping you always have the beginning of the day.

Q: How long do you think you will or can keep this up?
A: Honestly ill probably keep it until I’m bored with it. That’s pretty much straight up. Because, if one day I want to hibernate like a bear, I will sleep 8 hours a day. Otherwise sleep is a tax on life in my opinion. Sleep is for the weak.

Q: What do you do with all of your extra time?
A: Alright, well, I want to say I’m an artist but I like to draw a lot. I have projects, in which case, I use my extra time to develop my projects.

Q: What are some obstacles you had to overcome or are you pretty much into it by now?
A: I am pretty much into it by now and what’s great about the polyphonic is that it’s very flexible and its not always every 4 hours, but when your starting off, and you’re a student, you want to drink, you want to smoke, but that definitely deters your sleeping habits. In which case I had to abstain from it or else it would make me oversleep and I’d have to start over again. Right now it was definitely worth while

Q: What has the sleep cycle done for you?
A: The sleep cycle has made me more positive. Like the fact that I can do anything I want to while everyone else is sleeping gives me a positive outlook on life.

Q: What do your friends and family have to say about this?
A: Well, my mother, actually she semi-supported it during break but now that school started I have not told her I was on the sleep cycle for lack of responsibly on my part. My friends, they think I’m crazy but that’s alright because crazy is good…sometimes and as long as I get to do what I want to do it’s not a problem.

Alex Chin

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Porkchop Sandwich (bar band that plays at Joe's) article

Alison Neubauer
Final Draft

Marissa Monson

When the clock strikes 10 PM on 5th street in Champaign the crowd picks up on the main floor at Joe’s Brewery as the live band strikes the familiar chords of Billy Joel’s “My Life” or maybe Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl.” As the night progresses, the room fills, and people are dancing, smiling, cheering and singing to their favorite songs.
They call themselves Pork Chop Sandwich. The present lineup consists of brothers Callan Beeson on bass, Drew Beeson on guitar and Myles Beeson on drums along with the oldest member Colin Leslie on keyboard and vocals. This four piece cover band plays at Joe’s every Thursday night and jokingly started calling themselves after the Thursday special.
“We’re on the board and cost $6.95 on the side” Callan Beeson said with a smile, sporting a backwards baseball cap covering his bald head.
This band began about four years ago going by the name Doxi and consisted of only three people. They started out playing at White Horse until they were invited to play at Joe’s every week. None of the original members still play but the band’s existence is carried on as members graduate, new members are added until it arrived at what it is today.
“We’ve been here a couple of years now so as long as we keep the band we have the job” Collin Leslie said. The band plays covers everyone sings along to.
“We try to play hits from everywhere” Callan said. Every song is a well known song or hit from the radio that the majority of people will recognize. They consist mostly of popular bar/karaoke songs.
Pork chop Sandwich have tried playing originals but now, according to Leslie, they only play covers since it is easier to market, especially at a bar notorious for dancing, where people want to hear songs they already know.
“The hope is that we play something that appeals to everyone” Leslie said. Some of the regular songs include “Come Sail Away”, “Hey Jude”, “I Want it That Way”, “Lean on Me”, “Piano Man”, and even a country song called “Something Like that.”
“Playing the Backstreet Boys shows that we don’t take ourselves too seriously,” Leslie said, “We like to have just as much fun as the people who come to see us.”
“We put on a serious show with a not so serious attitude” Leslie said.
According to the band, they never practice together. Callan said that he has had maybe two formal practices ever.
“Our practice is every Thursday night at 10” Drew Beeson said from behind his chin length, curly brown hair. The audience would never be able to tell since the songs are played with little to know noticeable mistakes. The crowd doesn’t notice anyway, they are too busy dancing and having fun. New songs are brought to the table every couple weeks and the first time they play them together is that night.
“ ‘The Clocks’ by Coldplay went awesome on the fly and Ghostbusters were just gonna wing it” Callan said.
Nonetheless the crowd enjoys them. Many people are regulars and go to see the band often. It’s a unique night since the music is live and interactive instead of just a DJ. Plus, the band members are students and have a history at the university. They have made a name for themselves
“It helps that they play on a Thursday which is a pretty big night. They are known because of word of mouth,” Mike Butts said, “A few years ago when they began I noticed they had a huge group of friends that would come watch.” Butts is a manager at Joe’s and has been around since the original lineup four years ago.
Pat McCaffrey is a friend and fan of the band and describes his feelings in detail.
“Drew’s power comes from his hair, like Sampson. That’s why I follow them,” McCaffrey said, “It’s the general aura, his power, and he kicks ass at Super Smash Brothers.”
McCaffrey considers himself a huge fan.
“I put out don’t I?” McCaffrey said with a laugh. This band is all about fun, humor and showing their crowd a good time.
“Watching drunk people try to dance is funny” Callan said.
“We ride the line then we ride the groupies, just not the fats ones, “Leslie said jokingly, “But no seriously we love interacting with the crowd and feeding off their energy. It’s something you can’t get anywhere else.”
According to the band, they love to play every week.
“ I hate it,” Leslie said, “I’d quit but I need to make car payments”.
“I try to call in sick but it doesn’t work” Callan said.
The money they earn isn’t just used for recreation. They put it to use and to pay for college.
“We invest the money into more equipment to make the sound better but it is mainly to get money for college” Drew said.
The band is continuing strong with no end in sight, with plans of a possible live recording at one show and to possibly start playing at Station.
“Everyone has future aspirations of recording their own original songs at some point,” Drew said, “but it’s hard to play originals as a bar band.”
“We discussed an intergalactic tour with Gwar. That sounded good” Leslie said.
Those plans aren’t set in stone yet. As for the near future this band is taking it one week at a time.
“Where do we see ourselves going in the near future? To Joe’s every Thursday night” Leslie said.

Goose Island Brewing Company in Chicago article

Alison Neubauer
Final draft

Marissa Monson

The large, faded yellow brick building stands at the intersection of Fulton and Wood streets in a quiet, seemingly vacant corner of Chicago’s industrial west side. Caged windows line the east side of the building looking onto barren, worn down streets that lead to a heavy, industrial locked door.
This door is a portal to a narrow, daunting, steep staircase that leads to another door. Inside opens up to a bright office bustling with smiling faces. I’ve entered the production brewery for the Goose Island Brewing Company.
Goose Island is a beer brewing and soda company that originated in and is located in Chicago. Their history only dates back about twenty years but the name holds many years of early Chicago history. They started out small but have grown within the past ten years to become one of the most well known and established brewers in the country.
Beyond the office the actual brewing area encompasses the remainder of the building. Giant silver tanks tower over the workers amidst a maze of metal stairs leading up, down, and all around the two stories of machinery.
This production brewery is an extension of the original Goose Island pub.
“Clybourn and North Pub was the first pub that began in March 1988,” the head brewer John J. Hall said, “the beer was only available on tap and the main flagship beer was Honkers Ale.”
Hall explained that the name Goose island came from the name of an island on the river nearby. In the 1800’s Irish immigrants had a shanty there where they raised geese to supplement their food. Clybourn is known as the Goose Island corridor.
In 1995 they opened this production brewery and made their first brew here in 1996.
“We brought in the favorite of the pub here to make bottles and kegs of it to distribute,” Hall said, “sometimes we use the pub as a testing ground and if it goes well we take it to production.”
John Hall is also the name of the founder, owner, and president. He started out small, built a customer base, began selling at the Clybourn pub and is now producing 15 beers year round plus some specials.
“As of the past two years, 312 has taken first place as favorite pushing Honker’s Ale to second,” Hall said.
John J. Hall described the basic process of brewing beer. There is a hot side and a cold side of the brewery. On the hot side a substance called wort is made. That is where enzymes break up the starches into sugars. This light brown, foamy gruel goes to the lauter tun where the solids are separated from the liquid.
Then the hops is added before going to the cooler for fermentation. The cooled wort goes into the fermenter with yeast where alcohol and CO2 are produced. This takes three to five days.
This unfiltered beer, known as green beer, gets filtered using a machine called a centrifuge which spins at a high velocity and pulls the yeast to the outer edge. Now it goes to get bottled or kegged.
They do 50 kegs per hour and 215 bottles per minute. The bottles are filled with CO2, not air.
“Air makes beer age before its time. It tastes older sooner,” Hall said.
The bottling process is a crucial step. The head of maintenance, Brian VanVoorhis, spends most of his time making sure everything there is running smoothly.
“If bottling stops, everything else stops,” VanVoorhis said.
All beer is brewed the same in the basic process but it’s small variations that give it unique flavors. Water temperature of the wort will make the beer sweeter or dryer. A higher temperature makes it sweeter and gives it more texture. Lower temperatures makes it dryer and more fermentable. As temperatures rise during fermentation flavors go from fruity to harsh. Lagers are cooler while ales are a little warmer.
Hops have oils and aroma which adds flavor and gives the bitterness. There are about 80 varieties of hops worldwide, Goose Island uses about 16. Some include kinds such as Cascade which has a citrus aroma, Liberty has a spicy, kind of floral scent, Fuggle is earthy, Styrian is leathery and Willamette is herbal.
Barley adds even more flavors. Roasted makes it like chocolate and coffee. Carmel 60 makes colors and sweetness.
Lately for new tastes they have been experimenting with new yeast, bourbon and wine barrels. The flavor from the wood of the bourbon barrels seeps into the beer as it ages for roughly eleven months. The barrels are used only once because there isn’t as much flavor the second time. Goose Island is the first brewery to age in bourbon barrels but it has now become very popular.
They recently introduced their reserve line of beers.
“The reserve line is more unique and has a higher alcohol content. It’s not your standard beer,” Hall said.
The reserve line consists of Matilda Belgium Golden Ale, Pere Jacques which is dark, sweet and Belgium style, Bourbon County Stout and an Imperial IPA.
The Juliet is also a new beer they are working on. It’s a soured beer with blackberries and rye aged in a Cabernet Sauvignon barrel. It will be available next year in November.
Anybody can come up with a new idea but then a certain team discusses it and it’s up to the people above to decide if they want to try it. Hall said that the more beers you have the harder it makes things.
Goose island is primarily a beer brewery but they also make pop. They’ve been producing pop for eight or nine years and used to make and serve it at the pub. It has a good profit margin.
“The customer base wanted it. Not everybody drinks and families would go to the local pub so we were catering to children,” Mark Kamarauskas, the operations manager, said.
Goose island brewing company is growing more each year.